To be the best that we can be, we must nurture and heal our body, mind, and spirit. I have a few suggestions on how this can be done. If you would like to share some of your healing tips, email me, and I will post them here. 1. Make time for yourself. Do something for you. Do not feel guilty about this, the more you heal, and become strong, the more you can be of help to others. 2. Write. Put all of your feelings down on paper. This brings out feelings that you might not have known are there. Go back a month later, and read what you have written. 3. Listen to music. Pick out your favorite music and listen to it, and maybe even sing along. 4. Play. Take the time to be a child again. Play with the children, the family pet, ride a bike, swing on the swings, or try to play with the hula-hoop like you did as a child. 5. Take a walk. If you can, take a walk in the woods, mountains, beach, or park. Taking a walk where you can take in the beauty of nature is very healing. 6. Breathe. This may sound a little strange, but try taking in a few deep breaths each day. Think of letting go of the negative or stresses as you exhale, and bringing into your body peace and healing with your inhalation. 7. Meditate. There is, in my opinion, nothing more healing than meditation. Have you ever watched someone meditating? Their face says it all. They are balanced and at peace. The look more youthful, and carefree. This is a great way to rid the body of the effects caused by stress. 8. Join a spiritual group. Sometimes we need to talk things out, and get every thing into proper perspective. Sometimes the answers are right there in front of our faces, and we just need someone else to show that to us. The love and support that you receive from a nonjudgmental loving spiritual group is worth its weight in gold. 9. Read. Take the time to read an uplifting, and/or self help book. This helps you to realize that we are not alone. We are in this together. 10. If you have the finances available, take the time for massage and/or energy work. They are available in many different price ranges. 11. If you believe in angels, ask them to walk your life path with you. I do, and it really helps to know that I have them there for me when I need them. When your are emotional, or depressed, it is your ladder out of your pit, or your arm of love pulling you out. Sometimes, it is all you have to hold on to. Ask and they will help. All is love. 12. Forgive. It is important to the healing process, that we forgive others and ourselves. When we keep anger and resentment bottled up inside, it makes us sick. 13. Do not take on drama. Do not take on someone else's drama and/or negative energy. When you take on someone's negative energy, it will leave you feeling weak and drained. 14. Love. Know that you are loved, and you are love.
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