Get out of your own way, and let the Angels help in your healing. You can be your own best friend, or your worst enemy. What hinders our healing process? 1. Guilt (and in that guilt, feeling that we should be punished), 2. Fear (of the healing process, and/or fear that if we are healed, we will not get the continued nurturing that we are getting now. That is, negative attention, is better than no attention) , 3. Feeling that we do not deserve to be healed (that we are not good enough), 4. Not being open minded to our healing, 5. Past life beliefs and fears We want to do the best, with what we have to work with. I am not saying that everyone who goes through the forgiveness process will heal completely. You will heal on some levels, and may even heal on all levels. That is completely up to God and the plan that was mapped out for your life. Also, before I go any further, I want to make it clear, that I do believe that this healing process has to be done in conjunction with your doctors care. We all have things from our past that we feel guilty about. That guilt may be caused because of the way we have not lived up to our own expectations. That is, the expectations that we have of what we should be as a mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, friend, or neighbor. Fear causes us to put our walls up, which will not allow the healing energies to flow in and out of our energy fields. Some people fear the process. In that, I am talking about people being afraid of what they do not understand. If I ask the angels to help in this healing process, some people are afraid of angels. In their beliefs based in fear, they are afraid that the angels might be of satanic nature. I ask Archangel Michael, and the angels of love and light to protect us, and in a healing, everyone and everything is protected. Some people are afraid of the channeling of energy coming through me. Again, the angels are here, and we are protected.
Some people feel wounded, and need the nurturing that they get when they become sick. They are afraid that if they are healed they will no longer get the nurturing, and attention that they are receiving now. Some people are afraid to look within their own souls and face what is inside. They need to see what needs to be healed. They are afraid to open up old wounds, and feel old pain. They are afraid to see their dark side. I feel that we can hand those wounds over to the angels and heal. You might have been in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship with someone, and there has to be forgiveness for self and others. You have to get past the old negative beliefs, that were taught to you as you lived your life. When do we get to that point where we are ready to move from victim, and start the healing process? When do we start to believe that we are love, and that we are perfect just the way we are? The thoughts of not being good enough were taught to us over the years. We also need to be healed from karmic fears and negative emotions that have been brought into this life. You want to know how we can do that, when we do not even realize what those fears, thoughts and emotions are? I believe that we can ask the angels to heal us of anything that gets in our way of our blossoming into the best that we can be. That is, in order to follow the path that we are here on this earth to take, if we want to function at the highest level we can, we have to heal our past life wounds also. How do you get to that point, where you let yourself look within, see what needs healing, and go through the forgiveness process? We ask the angels to help us to heal that part of us.